All Patients of The Johnson Health Center have the right to:

  1. Be respected, and treated with kindness, compassion and acceptance.
  2. Be a active participant in the treatment plan and to informed about what the expectations are of them, and possible risks and benefits.
  3. A treatment plan that is individualized to them; to know who the treatment team is; to be involved in shared decison making about their care and to have the option to participate in any team meetings regarding care.
  4. Be provided with educational materials about medications that are prescribed or recommended.
  5. To have a safe, professional and accessible space for care.
  6. To have access or professionals to treat mental health or physical health disorders.
  7. To have a referral to a higher level if care / different care provider should this be needed due to being excused from our program.

Process for Filing a Complaint or Grievance:

Any past or present patient of The Johnson Health Center can file a complaint about a staff member, providert by contacting our Compliance Department, at ​
We will confirm receipt of the complaint, investigate, and respond with an initial reply within 72 hours.